I found Katie on Craigslist; I spent gobs of time on Craiglist looking at horses, I suppose I should admit that I still do! In any case that's where I stumbled on Katie's ad, she was gorgeous and I spent nights looking at her picture wishing she were mine. I have seen some pretty darned beautiful horses listed for sale, Katie's picture however seemed to follow me to sleep and throughout the day.
I finally contacted the woman who owned Katie, went to see Katie before a lesson and subsequently went about purchasing her. Purchasing her meant boarding her while payments were being made and getting her into training while I continued my lessons, I was anything but experienced and Katie was "green"...It all sounded as if it'd work perfectly right?!
Well as things turn out Katie and I weren't the best match ever though we certainly did try! I love her and am working with Sarah in finding her a new home with a little girl who can take Katie to the places she deserves to go.
It's costly and is taking quite a bit of time but when I bought Katie I made a commitment, one that has shaped a lot of what I do anymore. Katie has had a few owners, Katie has been started and restarted with various trainers and has not had the easiest way to go up till now. There are those that think it's costing too much and I love them for their concern (they know who they are) however I won't take Katie out of Sarah's care and training until we find that perfect little girl; she deserves nothing less. I committed to making sure she was happy, safe and healthy, that means she stays where she is till we find that special little girl :-)
It's really a little bittersweet to see her these days; we went up and watched her free jump at Diamond Hill and it made a part of me sad to see the connection she has with Sarah. Sad in that I wanted that so bad with Katie....It's the immature side of me that gets a twinge of jealousy and it's that jealousy that found me thinking about blogging and exploring this journey. While I was driving and feeling a little sorry for myself 'cause Katie loved Sarah more then she did me (silly silly silly I know) I realized what a cry baby I was being and remembered all the wonderful things that having Katie in my life has brought about! It also reminded me that when I purchased Katie I committed to doing nothing short of making sure she was happy and had what she needed and is that not what has been done?! She is so happy with Sarah and is so in love with the job she has now, it'd be a crime to take that from her no matter the costs and or my silly twinges of jealousy!
Katie also brought Sarah into my life in a very active way, she eventually brought Tex into my life and has reminded me time and time again that loving someone (yes I said someone) often means doing what is best for them even if it doesn't always sit perfectly with you. Not to mention the courage owning Katie has brought to me; one wouldn't think that an animal can give you the courage of conviction that Katie has given me. It is very difficult to explain how committing to her and standing up for what's best for her has helped me to stand up and do what's also best for me.
Katie is by far the prettiest horses I'll ever meet, quite the Diva these days too. She knows how gorgeous she is and expects to be treated as such, she gets that with Sarah and Missy who rides and has shown her. If I had found Katie ten years down the road perhaps we'd have made a better match however I don't really believe that to be the case, I just say it as a way to make myself feel less naive for buying a horse that was so clearly over my head. That being said, I think Katie found her way to me so that we could both find our way to the partners we deserved and were best suited for. If that doesn't sound a bit on the nutty side I am not sure what does; it does however make perfect sense to me!
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
I am 100% sure that you were meant to help Katie find her little girl. I am so glad you made a commitment to her. I saw her on Craigslist before you bought her. She really caught my eye; more specifically that lovely rump of her caught my attention. It was sometime later when Sarah told me Katie was going to be in training with her that I knew exactly which horse she was talking about. Every time I ride Katie she is farther along than the last time I was on her. She wants so desperately to get it right. It’s so great to see her in a program she can flourish in. I know she’s helped me to be a better rider to my own horse.
I truly believe that when we do what is right in our hearts we then allow the great things in that the Universe has in store for us. I think Tex is a great example of that! Looking forward to more of the blog!
“While I was driving and feeling a little sorry for myself 'cause Katie loved Sarah more then she did me”
I love that you wrote that! I totally get that and have experienced it myself. Sarah has always been able to get my horses to respond in ways that I could not. Grace LOVES her in part because Sarah always makes her body feel better. From a training stand point Sarah is able to approach her without all the emotion that I carry into everything that surrounds Grace. I really appreciate the relationship that they have; it’s nice to have someone else that “gets” my horse.
Melissa, thanks :-)
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