Off to work...

I like to think I know these guys, and I especially like the moments that knowing them shines through. I had forgotten that they too know me. Today Texas reminded me.

Texas' Vacation

So I suppose today's message to myself is "OK enough, let's get back to work". Tex's message is "OK love vacation is over".


In matter of importance there is no difference, the reasons behind the importance holds the only difference.

Turning to wood

It is the very absence of judgement when you cry into a horses mane...

Listening to the ponies eat

Listening to the ponies eat tonight, I knew a few things I didn't know this morning. It happens like that. Try listening to ponies eat, it clears your head, welcomes epiphany.

Amber, I'm not always a lady

And that is what I think of Her being next to me!

Patch's new door

Patch seemingly lets it roll off his back however I think my blanketed buddy might just like the idea of eating dinner and retiring for the with some relative peace (and a door)!

Titles and the beginning of the blog

I was thinking about decisions, how and why we make them; it hit me that I make them according to title...I am a daughter, a sister, a mom, a grandmother, ... and most recently a horse owner.

Big Love Texas Sytle

That he will lay his big head in my lap and let me fuss over him completely certainly does help in the "I think Tex is the greatest ever" arena! I can't imagine him not being with me to be honest.

First Love

I climbed under the fence and spent about 30 minutes untangling her mane and removing the twigs. It was our bonding moment, we have a great relationship today. She is most definitely my first "horsey love"...

Leo, my savior

At one point he lifted his head, looked me dead in the eye, sighed and put his head on my lap as if to say "It's ok mom, it's all gonna be ok". Funny thing is, I believed him...

Question of the day...

Patch sees me first and knows what's up; he's at the gate looking as handsome as always and the guilt starts..."Damn it he knows what time it is and he's gonna be disappointed"

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Giant toddlers

The last year and some odd months has provided such growth that I can't even come up with a "back then I would have done this" vs "today I'd do that" example that embodies the changes. The very priorities that drove me a year and a half ago are all but foreign to me; I suppose that is example enough.

I could sum it up with something my mom once told me, "work to live, do not live to work". It's an easy idea on the surface however when you live to work, when you become your work, when your value is based on your work, it turns into a very complicated idea.

I am ashamed at the times I judged someone whom did a job that was considered, by the norm, to be menial. I was so proud of what I had done I sort of bought my own bullshit. This is not to say I didn't deserve to be proud, I spent well over twelve years getting to where I was and I was also very good at what I did. This is to say that at the end even though I was, without a doubt, completely burned out, I was also a judgmental ass. Admitting that was not a lot of fun; admitting it to myself that is. Looking at that and going about changing it was a real carnival ride. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out who I was without what I thought made a person successful.

It meant a lot of change because it wasn't really about my job or my career, it was this ridiculous need to prove to the world that I had "beat the odds". And son of a bitch if that didn't just slip right out onto the page and surprise even me. I was going to say it was about control, which of course is a large part of it, however apparently not all of it. I'll deal with that little slip of the thumb in another post.

Back to the control aspect...

Being controlled has it's advantages, the trick is to use that ability to protect yourself as opposed to hurting yourself with it. Again with the slips. Apparently today is stream of conscious day. In any case, it's not a bad thing to be disciplined. I did have to let go of the things that I controlled to mask the deeper problem. Things like letting the dishes sit in the sink, being comfortable with mud on my shoes, learning to go without make up, not judging the lady that walked into the store with five kids or purple hair or with an excess of weight, all of those things that I did (and thought) to appear (feel) perfect (better than) because goodness knows I didn't believe it. These all sound like tiny things however walking out of the house without make up is a big deal, rather was. Working at least a 10-12 hour day was important. Only a slacker worked 8 hours, I was an over achiever, hard working, etc...and again I bought my own bullshit.

Since everything happened I have said "I used to be important" many many times, that is precisely how I felt for a long time. It's not an exaggeration to say that I still have moments when I no longer know exactly what it is that makes me important considering I have no real job, no real lucrative job I should say. I am not anyone's boss, I'm doing things I'd never dreamed of, much less tried, so I can't spout of the many years of experience I have. I don't have my fancy car with it's heated seats and I don't pull down eighty grand a year. In my logical, judgmental, circus ride of  mind all of that equates not important.

Today was my first day off in six days, also my first attempt at a job outside of the horses and the ranch since "everything happened". Naturally I pick a "job" that requires I work twelve hour shifts as well as one that has a sales type salary, in that I "could" make a lot or I "could" suck and make nothing. No pressure. I also picked something that I have never done and would not be considered a "match" considering my skill set. No pressure.

Today, I spent the day up at the ranch. There is something very cleansing about cleaning up after, caring for, the giant toddlers. I've met many a horse, many a dog, many a cat, a few goats, a donkey here and there, and not one of them loved with motive.

This morning Flirt knocked over her water bucket, Carter had his feeder deal half way across the wall, Quinn was banging on his door, someone shit in their bowl (I can't recall who), and that was just the main barn! Down below Blondie and Lad were running amok because they were starving and I apparently walk too slow. Sophie had hay from dinner spread all over her stall, Cy looked to have been practicing some sort of horsey jig on his poop all night long (think horse shit dust), I threw Daisy's hay in a spot where she had just peed and on the morning went. Still, starting my day with them forces me to admit that as discouraged as I may feel I can not ignore my importance in this world that I have created for myself. A world that is completely changed because I am completely changed. A world I don't have to give up regardless of what "job" I choose to do.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Leo saves the world

Leonidas AKA, Leo, Mr. Leo, Captain Mouth, Captain Trouble, Gorgeous, Love, My Boy, and of course Baby. Leo knows me better than 99.9999% of the people I know. 

Yesterday when I got home I was a little upset and Leo knew it. Never mind that it was the second day in a row where I had been gone for over twelve hours. Two years ago Leo might have found this annoyingly familiar however it has not been his life for about that and as a result he is well within his rights to be upset. We don't do separation well, let me rephrase, we don't do separation often. Yesterday when I got home though, I was upset and Leo knew it. His problems went out the doggy door and he did what he does best, reminded me that no matter what there is someone in the world that loves me without complaint standing right there licking my hand. 

I try my very best not to raise my voice in front of Leo. If I do raise my voice he is instantly upset and sets about trying to fix the wrong that has found me raising my voice. That being the case, I try to limit it. Problem is my voice raises, I rarely "yell" however when I am upset I can get animated and it upsets him. I adore him and really don't like him upset so I do what I can to control myself. 

Yesterday I must have apologized to Leo five times for my temper tantrum that 99.9999% of the population would not have even noticed. It was a combination of things that wanted desperately to boil over so I ended up doing what I do; I went to the barn, let the horses in the yard, watched them graze and sang to Leo. I sorta pretended to clean the barn, which was clean, much to my disappointment. Yes, I was even upset that I didn't get to clean the stalls. I had been gone from home from 5:45am till 7:15pm for two days in a row, the schedule I had set for myself was proving to be grueling and god damn it I had was looking forward to cleaning the stalls. Not a lot of anything was making me happy right about 7:45pm last night until of course I looked at Leo who was sitting in the middle of the drive way watching the horses and me, respectively. I was bouncing around and doing stretches (of all things) on Brody's gate & singing to Leo. I realized that me continuing to be all twisted up was just going to further upset him so I turned up Kenny Chesney, listened to Brody's song (I believe there is magic) and counted all the reasons why it'd be ok, they'd be ok, and so would Leo. 

Without Leo, I'd have blown a fuse, said some of the ugly things that come to mind when I have convinced myself that the world is going to finally fall apart at my feet and it'd all be because I suck. It's a little nutty however I can easily go from "oh shit the cable bill is late" to "I'm going to lose everything, the horses and Leo deserve better, I'm an awful mom and deserve to lose it all, if only I'd stop being so god damn stubborn I could be in an office somewhere making a lot of money, etc..". 

With Leo, I turn up Kenny Chesney, take his little face in my hands and let him lick my face, apologize for doubting the world and talk myself off the ledge. 

Leo has been saving me since the day I brought him home; yesterday he saved the world for me once again. Figured he deserved kudos. If I weren't so damned tired I'd probably have been more eloquent about it :-)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mom's day, today

It's mother's day; I have been a mom for 60.46511627906976% of my life. In two and a half months that percentage will change to 62.7906976744186; in three and a half months that will change again and go down to 61.36363636363637. Fun with numbers! Frankly I think I was born a mom, this is both a good and bad thing.

Today my son is in California and I am in Washington. We spoke on the phone earlier. It's strange to be the mother of someone closer to thirty then he is to twenty; stranger still to be a state away from one another.

Today, I am home with my four legged children enjoying the rare sunshine, waiting for the dryer to finish so I can hop in the shower and then climb onto Brody and get dirty all over again.

I didn't have breakfast in bed or anything like that. Today I got up, went with Leo to the barn to feed all the horses at Diamond Hill. Leo loves this part of the day and honestly so do I. He really believes he is helping and that this part of his day is to be taken seriously. If I change the routine, if one of the horses is in a stall that they aren't normally in, if someone is gone on a trip and not there, he notices and lets me know. It's all very important to him. When we are done we go to the gas station and he gets paid with a pepperoni stick and sometimes a dog bone from the ladies that work there. I wonder if he figures he did extra well that day.

It's all very important to me too. I love the horses at the ranch. They, along with Leo, Katie, Brody, & Rev, wake me up each morning and remind me that this life, this world, although not without troubles, is beautiful and filled with love.

It's what being a mom has always been to me, even before I could spit out impressive percentages!


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