Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mom's day, today

It's mother's day; I have been a mom for 60.46511627906976% of my life. In two and a half months that percentage will change to 62.7906976744186; in three and a half months that will change again and go down to 61.36363636363637. Fun with numbers! Frankly I think I was born a mom, this is both a good and bad thing.

Today my son is in California and I am in Washington. We spoke on the phone earlier. It's strange to be the mother of someone closer to thirty then he is to twenty; stranger still to be a state away from one another.

Today, I am home with my four legged children enjoying the rare sunshine, waiting for the dryer to finish so I can hop in the shower and then climb onto Brody and get dirty all over again.

I didn't have breakfast in bed or anything like that. Today I got up, went with Leo to the barn to feed all the horses at Diamond Hill. Leo loves this part of the day and honestly so do I. He really believes he is helping and that this part of his day is to be taken seriously. If I change the routine, if one of the horses is in a stall that they aren't normally in, if someone is gone on a trip and not there, he notices and lets me know. It's all very important to him. When we are done we go to the gas station and he gets paid with a pepperoni stick and sometimes a dog bone from the ladies that work there. I wonder if he figures he did extra well that day.

It's all very important to me too. I love the horses at the ranch. They, along with Leo, Katie, Brody, & Rev, wake me up each morning and remind me that this life, this world, although not without troubles, is beautiful and filled with love.

It's what being a mom has always been to me, even before I could spit out impressive percentages!


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