Off to work...

I like to think I know these guys, and I especially like the moments that knowing them shines through. I had forgotten that they too know me. Today Texas reminded me.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Anger, for what it's worth

My last post caused quite a stir, it was about Austen, it named the woman I held responsible, it publicly shamed the same. I know better. I wish I could have stepped outside of my anger long enough to realize how scared she must have been watching him lose the weight he lost. I've been there, scared to death that I'd not be able to do enough for a horse I had taken on. In my defense I asked for help. In her defense, she thought she had done the same. I disagree. I still believe that she did a great injustice to him on a few levels. I do not believe she went as far as she could for him. I still think someone needs to stand up when those injustices are done, regardless of intent. I do know that expressing that in anger solves nothing. I apologize for my assumption that she did not care...

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