Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Birthdays, Brody, and a few rainbows tossed in

Yesterday was my birthday and the first time in five years it wasn't celebrated with my AvaAnniversary. For that I continue to be grateful.

We had company and a nice relaxing day at the farm. I made rainbows with the sprinkler, thought of Melissa and her love of rainbows. I tried conjuring up a unicorn but I fell a bit short. :-)

I still sit down to write and go immediately to Patch. I can't express how badly I miss him. Every day I see his spotted little rear end meandering over to me when I am cleaning stalls, I look out the front door and wonder why no one comes to the door for treats anymore...I don't suppose I'll get over Patch anytime soon, he was so very special.

Brody is doing well. I am not sure how much weight has gone back on him however I do know he is eating better and it shows. He's a super sweet boy really. We did our morning exercises and now everyone is out to play. Watching him move is a different experience. He moves so differently, he seemingly floats above the ground. We have been concentrating on ground work, leading, space, listening, patience (not really "work"). We spend about a half an hour in the arena after breakfast walking about. We are kicking some serious ass in the wedding march game :-) Walk, stop, walk, stop. He probably thinks I have lost my ever loving mind but he cooperates and I think he knows we're doing this all for a reason. We also spend a considerable amount of time at night time brushing, massaging, etc etc. He seems to be pretty happy with the situation at hand.

However...his roommates. Tex is pretty good, he doesn't mind Brody and is trying to figure him out most of the time. Katie on the other hand is not his biggest fan. I am thinking of dubbing her "Princess Crabby Pants". She has decided that Brody does not deserve the end stall, the tape that is now hung between the two is insulting (to her), and if she twists and turns enough in her stall maybe he'll understand that the only reason her foot isn't planted in his ass is cause I put a wall there. Pretty sure she's pissed that I moved her bucket to the other wall too; I am all but certain Brody is getting the blame for that! She's pretty funny actually. The other morning I went to feed breakfast and there she was, ears pinned clean against her head staring at me as if she would rather take food from Leo! Katie has no forelock (and I am not overstating this) when Katie pins her ears she looks like the biggest boa constrictor alive. I call it her "snake face". It's pretty scary if you don't know that all she wants is a kiss :-) So the other morning she was doing her best impression of a giant snake, I laughed and greeted her with "How is my favorite pretty little pissed off pony". I am 99% sure she did not think it was funny! She did perk right back up when I held her bald little face and kissed her nose. Silly tough acting pony! Really I think she is pissed cause when he first got here she was all about snuggling up as close as she could to sniff him however he'd just walk away, it took approximately two/three days of being ignored to piss her right off! Katie does NOT get ignored, she IS a princess ;-) She's been a bitch ever since (I mean that in the nicest way possible).

Starting tomorrow we will be doing Brody's exercises followed by Miss Katie's. Perhaps a little one on one is what she needs. We will see, we will see :-)


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