Sunday, August 5, 2012

Rev AKA "Sweetness"

When I walk up to Rev it goes a little like this:

"Hi Sweetness, how is my boy?" Typically there is a discussion about my day, a few questions about his, a reminder that he is super handsome and that I love him, a kiss planed on his big old butt while I look him over for oddities and remind him that the Princess moved so he won't get bit anymore.

I have had the honor of knowing some of the gentlest of horses. Brody, Texas, Patch, and P all come to mind instantly. Some of the gentlest souls have come to me in the form of animals, more than a few of those animals have been horses. Much like people, they were all gentle in there own way, for their own reasons, because of (or as a result of) their individual circumstances. They each taught me something different. They each showed me a new reason to look at the world with kinder eyes.

Rev, AKA Sweetness, is definitely top ten sweetest souls ever. That guy hasn't got a mean bone in his body.  I tend to think of Rev and get lost in day dreams. Nothing terribly specific, it's just when I think of him I sort of drift off and forget that I was trying to write. It's like that dreamy feeling you get when you imagine you're on a beach, with white sand at your feet, and a gorgeous net covered king sized feather bed waiting for you to retire. I get dreamy when I think of him.

I've been dreamy over other horses. I mentioned them above. It's slightly different with Rev, I get dreamy and we have fun together!

I also get crazy selfish with Rev. I honest to goodness don't like anyone else touching him. I actually discouraged my best friend; I've never done that. I think she'd have fun with him, no doubt. I don't however wanna share. The really cool thing is, Rev doesn't really wanna share either.

The other day, a friend was over and she had her friend with her. They had both met Rev and subsequently fell in love with him. There was a lot of "WHO IS THAT?" when they met him. In any case, she asked if she could ride Rev. This posed a problem for me, a couple problems. The first, and most obvious, is that I don't like other people touching Rev. The second was that I didn't like saying no when there was no real reason to do so.

The compromise we (I) decided on was that I'd ride Rev for a bit to "see how he was feeling" and then she could hop on for a few minutes if she wanted to.

Rev was "feeling" fine. Rev let me climb on him with no bareback pad. Rev let me put the side pull on (that I had brilliantly put back together incorrectly) and ride about not knowing how badly I had put it back together. Rev didn't care that I did it wrong and understood when I made him stand there while I fixed what I had screwed up. Rev didn't even care when we switched over to a regular bit and readjusted the stirrups for the fifth time. Rev is used to the fact that his mommy does things ass backward and he really doesn't care.

I eventually stopped torturing my gorgeous boy and let the other lady ride. Rev behaved like a complete gentleman however he did walk her in a circle and stop right in front of me about three times as if to say "Ok I did it can we ummm stop this nonsense?".

I took that to mean that Rev, AKA Sweetness, didn't like sharing any more than his mommy did. we did try. I think we get at least a "B" for effort there.


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